Sunday, 11 December 2011
Katakana Analysis Final
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Composition 3
Monday, 5 December 2011
かたかな Work Final
For my first poem, I used 'スキンシプ' as my katakana word. I read it meant a close personal connection and so I sought to convey that in my first senryu. I liked how it sounds odd when translated directly into English, but really means something quite sweet and endearing. I wanted to understand it better through using it.
For the second work I used ’パン’, a simple cognate because I've always liked how it comes from Portuguese, as I also study it on top of Japanese. I wanted to convey a morning routine and in the States at least toast can be a big part of that.
For my third work I wanted to use an onomatopoeic word, and chose バンバン because I found it unique and interesting. I think onomatopoeia is good to convey an idea in senryu as it takes the reader directly to that sound as opposed to trying to describe the sensation. I think it packs a greater punch when one only has limited もらえ.